Commonly asked questions
Please do feel you can be in touch with any questions
Is therapy for me?
There is no hierarchy in suffering and every individual can benefit from having space to enable life to be lived with greater ease. Therapy is about you, there is no wrong or right way to do it.
What is confidential space?
Everything discussed in therapy is confidential between you and the therapist. You have the freedom to say what you need, knowing your words are contained and that it is safe to speak your truth. Of course, if you or another were at risk, there would be grounds to breach this rule. Please refer to the BACP’s Ethical Framework for further guidance around our commitment to clients and good practice:
BACP Ethical Framework
How do i know therapy is working?
There are multiple ways to evaluate the benefit of sessions. Reviewing how we are working is an ongoing process to ensure we work towards agreed therapeutic goals.
Cancellation policy
48 hour’s is required if sessions need to be rescheduled or cancelled. Short notice cancellations are chargeable. I try to be flexible where possible.
how does it work?
Have an initial session and see how you feel. There is no need to commit unless you feel there is value in coming again. Beyond an initial session, it would be usual to work weekly for an agreed period at a regular time.
Will you be the right counsellor for me?
I am fully trained and experienced. I am registered with and accredited by the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy). They are one of the main counselling accreditation bodies in the UK and I adhere to their code of ethics. Regardless of training, it is important to feel at ease and only by meeting, will you gain a sense of whether the relational aspect of the therapy is right for you.
Will you get sick?
This is a common question and pertains (perhaps) to a client’s need to know that once the work starts, it can be trusted. It is important to explore attachment and be sensitive to how absence may impact a client relationship. It is my intention to stay well and communicate clearly to ensure an effective therapeutic relationship is maintained through any unforeseen periods of change. Holiday periods are always communicated well in advance.